We the Catholic Community of St. Joseph’s, embrace Jesus Christ as Lord, Savior, and center of our lives. We commit to fostering belief through education, faith through action and fellowship through love and reconciliation. In the spirit of unity, we shall proclaim and bring to all, Jesus, the Light of the world.
Mon | Wed | Fri
12:10 PM
Tue | Thu
8:30 AM
1st Friday • Monthly
From: After 12:10 PM Mass
Until: Saturday, 7:00 AM
3:30 PM
Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 9 AM – 5 PM
Phone: 828-464-9207
Email: stjosephrcc78@gmail.com
Rev. James M. Collins
Phone: 828-464-9207
Email: frjmcollins@yahoo.com
Administrative Assistant:
Kara Antonio
Clinic Hours:
Saturdays: Doors open at 9 AM
The first 20 patients will be seen.
All donations gratefully accepted.
Services Offered:
We provide medical services for individuals without a primary physician.
Please Note:
We are not equipped to offer the following services: